Renting a Dumpster in Anchorage? - Frequently Asked Questions

We deliver to these cities and towns in AK:

Anchorage, Chugiach, Eagle River, Elmendorf, Fort Rich and surrounding areas.

To be more specific, we deliver to these zip codes:

99501, 99502, 99503, 99504, 99505, 99506, 99507, 99508, 99509, 99510, 99511, 99513, 99514, 99515, 99516, 99517, 99518, 99519, 99520, 99521, 99522, 99523, 99524, 99529, 99530, 99540, 99556, 99567, 99568, 99572, 99577, 99587, 99599, 99603, 99605, 99610, 99611, 99623, 99629, 99631, 99635, 99639, 99645, 99652, 99654, 99663, 99664, 99669, 99672, 99674, 99687, 99688, 99694, 99695

Yes, we deliver rain or shine or snow. We do ask that you clear the space in your driveway where you want the dumpster rental placed for a smooth delivery process. Snow doesn't stop relocating, home renovation projects and garage cleanouts, why should it stop your waste disposal solution?

Our dumpster rental pricing structure is an all-in pricing structure. The extra fees that may incur are:

  • Extra days in your dumpster rental period
  • Going over the agreed upon weight allowance
  • Being outside our initial service area
  • Needing an extra dumpster
  • Placing items that are not accepted into our dumpster

For more information, please be sure to contact us and ask us any questions you feel unsure about.

There are a lot of reasons as to why you would ever need a dumpster rental. We can provide you with some, but there are plenty more:

  • A basement or a garage cleanout
  • Spring cleaning season
  • Downsizing to a smaller house or apartment
  • Relocating to a new city and saving on moving fees
  • Flood or fire restoration and damaged items need to be thrown out
  • And many more reasons as to why you need a dumpster rental

Yes, there is a list of restricted items that cannot be put into a dumpster rental because the local landfills do not accept them. We do not accept household hazardous waste such as:

  • Propane tanks
  • Ammunition
  • Leftover paint, paint cans and paint thinner, stains and varnish
  • Household cleaning products
  • Batteries
  • Fluorescent light bulbs
  • Tires, motor oil, gasoline and antifreeze
  • Aerosol cans
  • And more...

For more information, read this article on household hazardous waste or contact us for a direct answer on your local landfill.

No, not at all. If you've given all instructions to the dumpster consultant upon booking then our dumpster delivery expert follows those instructions to a tee. Be sure to give instructions on which side you would like the dumpster to go (if you have a double car driveway) or of any low hanging wires and obstructions.
Yes! We encourage sharing if you would like to. Unfortunately, when it comes to paying for the dumpster then one person has to pay and collect from whoever utilized the dumpster. It'd be best to find a nice common ground property where you'll be able haul your trash over from.
When you contact us for a free dumpster rental quote, the price is based on a 7 day rental period. Any days past the 7 day period will be considered extra, but take as much time as you need wth the dumpster rental.
If you give us reasonable time, we offer same day or next day rentals. If you call us before noon, we could probably be able to get you a dumpster that same day but if not, the next day. We pride in being able to help others when they are in a bind and that's why we offer this service.

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